For the benefit of others I would like to to post my experience with Stillness-Movement, medical Qigong, and Taoist Neuro-energetic healing.
First my background, I began martial arts training in 1976. I have had one primary instructor – Will Higgenbotham, Will had the wisdom to expose us to many different incredibly talented individuals. among thos individuals that I had personally trained with – some for many years up to today, include – Master David Gonzalez – received his 7th dan from Master Ed Parker; Professor George Dillman 10th Dan, (late)Professor Remy Presas 10th dan, and one of my favorites – Professor Wally Jay – 10th Dan – The only point I wish to make is I’ve studied Martial Arts with several top individuals and through this I’ve learned to respect many of the teachers not only for their physical ability but also for their ability to teach others and show a genuine interest in those trying to learn their art. I can generally tell within a instant if i like the teacher and more importantly if they know their material and if their material is worth learning (for me anyway). So I developed my teaching skills patterned after those that I had the highest respect for and that I thought would be most beneficial for any student that wanted to learn from me.
The next point on my background is that I’ve spent the last 21 years as a pharmaceutical rep. Think what you might of the industry – some of us are generally interested in improving patient outcomes and in helping those in need. plus, most of us are like min-pharmacists. by that I mean we have studied every system in the body – nervous system, digestive system, endocrine system – whatever system our medicine is related to. Whats more, we are trained in western ideas – including that complementary medicine doesn’t work and how to pick apart a scam medicine or a scam study. After 21 years I can pretty well find the weak spot in any marketing or product approach.
With all of this in mind I first attended a Stillness-Movement workshop by Michael Lomax in May of 2008. Probably after the 1st day Michael was probably thinking – look out we’ve got a wild hair on our hands – I was so excited about what I had just learned. Within minutes of the workshop beginning I was incredibly comfortable with the teacher – He taught the Qigong class much like I thought my martial arts class – simple easy to understand format and was more than willing to answer any questions. There were no bad questions – please ask..
Michael’s teaching style made a great 1st impression on me and then when we started to do Stillness-Movement – wow I could actually feel sensations of the Qi around me- and when we did standing-stillness I thought I was going to be in trouble because I couldn’t stand still. It was liking I was being picked up off my feet — little did I know that Michael was projecting Qi at me during this time. I read another post about the video that Michael posted and some questioning the validity of the video — I wasn’t moving that much, but I was bouncing around a fair amount. By the way – I’m the bald guy standing next to the guy that was video taped and I guarantee we were not paid or unpaid actors, if you notice I was peeking out the corner of my right eye thinking Holy smoke this guy is really moving about. Later in the 1st class Michael had performed some Medical Qigong – wow that was pretty cool but what was even cooler was when I got home after the 1st day my wife had a severe headache and was grumpy — I got rid of the severe headache (witnessed) with one Qi blast – the grumpy thing we still have to work on. So for the 1st 2 days we did a couple of versions of Stillness – sitting and standing. Plus Michael taught us the Gift of the Tao – movement based Qigong. Now being a Martial Artist – I do 20+ Kata’s and teach these Kata’s and their meanings to students so i was very interested to see how Michael would teach this portion. He did a terrific job of making the movements easy and would work his way around the room to help anyone that needed personal help. I had to rate Michael up their with Professor Wally Jay – Professor Jay was always extremely helpful in teaching his art (fortunately I was his crash dummy often) but again Michaels teaching approach was more like – old friend let me help you with that. Day three – medical Qigong day — the words to discuss this are tough – truly amazing is my best description. From My own perspective I’ve had Plantar Fascitis for years – lot’s of pain that nothing has touched, my pain went from a constant rating of 8 out of 10 to about a 2 out of 10 – that was only 1 treatment. So overall, I couldn’t have been happier with the money I invested in Michaels’ seminar, but, one seminar wasn’t going to be enough for me…please read on.
After 2 1/2 years I’m still attending workshops as Michael is teaching a Lineage. I receive something new at each visit and it seems like I’m ready to get the new teaching at that time. Stillness-movement is for me very easy to do – I can dedicate a great deal of time to this. First, I set aside time in am or pm for at least 1 hour of deep meditation. But, since I drive quite a bit, I can do stillness whenever I’m driving or travelling – why not, or when i go to bed at night – I don’t sleep much anyway – might as well do stillness, so I end up getting in 5+ hours per day and the benefit of that comes through in my medical use of Qigong. Again, I’m a pharmaceutical rep so I’m in/out of Doctors offices all day. Almost all of the patients I’ve treated have been either a Medical Doctor, Nurse, or their staff. This is a tough bunch to convince that this stuff will work. However, I estimate that I treat at least 2 people every day, approx 400+ patients since I’ve started and my success rate is approx 95% or better. I credit this success to Michaels teaching ability, to the techniques contained in the lineage, and to the incredible power of stillness movement. One could say – your salesman you convince them it’s going to work. Well I’ve worked on doc’s wearing knee braces, wrist brace, neck brace – all gone after 1 treatment, RN’s with diverticulitis, gall bladder issue, Migraine, on and on and still have that success rate. BUT, whats really amazing are the animals that I’ve worked on – mostly dogs. I have had 3 that had severe spinal injuries. My birddog – x-ray confirmed disk damage w/spiny projections – he was crying and shaking bad – I did Taoist technique which put him into a deep sleep and the next day he was fine and hasnt had an issue since. 2 other dogs had just been injure and both were crying and dragging back legs – Taoist technique returned them both to normal – no further problems (1 witnessed by the Vet that called me and asked me to help)
Anyway I can’t say enough about stillness-movement or Michael Lomax – Wang Juemin was a National Treasure of china and I believe we have our own Treasure here in the U.S in Michael Lomax. There is probably something he is teaching that you could add to your repertoire.